Your benefits
Loyalty program with rewards
PODUR Rewards is our exclusive loyalty program that rewards our customers with valuable PODUR Points for each purchase made. These points can be redeemed for discount codes on future orders. To enroll in the program, simply click on the gray bubble located at the bottom left corner of our website.
10% off your first purchase (not available during sale)
As a first-time customer of PODUR, you can receive a welcome gift of 10% off your first purchase. To avail of this offer, all you need to do is subscribe to our newsletter located in the footer of our website. After subscribing, check your inbox for a discount code that can be applied during checkout to enjoy the discount.
Free world wide shipping
PODUR offers free standard shipping to all our customers. You do also have the option to choose world class express shipping with DHL. Express shipping is offered for free once you pass the set threshold. See table below for details:
Our UK customers are offered express shipping and next day delivery options.
General shipping prices:
Standard | Express | Free express shipping | |
United Kingdom | Free | 3 GBP | Orders over 120 GBP |
Europe | Free* | 13 EUR | Orders over 160 EUR |
International | Free* | 14 USD | Orders over 180 USD |
Country specific shipping prices:
Standard | Express | Free express shipping | |
Australia | Free* | 18 AUD | Orders over 250 AUD |
Canada | Free* | 15 CAD | Orders over 230 CAD |
Denmark | Free* | 100 DKK | Orders over 1200 DKK |
Norway | N/A | 150 NOK | Orders over 2000 NOK |
South Africa | N/A | 200 ZAR | Orders over 750 ZAR |
Sweden | Free* | 150 SEK | Orders over 2000 SEK |
UAE | Free* | 70 AED | Orders over 650 AED |
US | Free* | 10 USD | Orders over 175 USD |
* For orders above 50 GBP
Amna Hameed, the founder of Podur has always been intrigued with fabrics and fashion having an innate understanding of structures, silhouettes and attention to detail. Having studied and graduated with a BA Interior Architecture and Design, Amna has acquired knowledge of design both through her profession and fashion, as both fashion and design compliment each other, working hand in hand to frame one another
At the heart of Podur lies a commitment to crafting garments that embody understated luxury. Our signature aesthetic blends creativity with simplicity, bringing premium fabrics to life through delicate detailing, empowering embroidery, and thoughtful silhouettes. Each piece is a testament to the art of timeless design, tailored to enhance confidence and self-expression.
Tailoring is not just a craft for us; it is an art form worth preserving and invigorating. We work with some of the finest craftsmen to deliver sartorial elegance through modest fashion. Our collection celebrates femininity, combining exclusivity with wearability. Each design reflects our dedication to empowering women with clothing that aligns with their values while making them feel their best.
We have set it as our mission to help others throughout our value chain. To set this in motion, we have chosen to place our production facility in a village in Sri Lanka. Countless women in Sri Lanka grow up with talent behind closed doors, which they are unable to utilise due to societal restrictions.
Our facility in Sri Lanka consists of employees who are mostly young women from the local village who are extremely skilled in tailoring and craftsmanship but without the opportunity to showcase their talents. We have ensured our facility meets our team members’ comfort to work by implementing company morals which respect their cultural values and family lives. Podur has proudly employed these talented young women with professional training in tailoring and pattern making, in return gaining a sense of nurturing and developing.